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K-12 Outreach Events

The Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources is proud to provide community resources and outreach events to K-12 classrooms throughout West Virginia. Below is a list of annual events offered by Statler College. Find more information of on each event at the links provided.

Engineering Challenge Camps

Engineering Challenge Camps are designed to help students learn the fun and exciting ways that engineering and computer science impact our lives through hands on learning. Each camp features a theme that will help students build problem solving skill and to work better in groups. We have camps for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools students.

Girls’ STEM Day

Girls’ STEM Day is an activity-filled, free event for girls’ grades K-5 to learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) guided by WVU's student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers. The participants will be broken up into their age groups (K-1, 2-3, 4-5) and participate in four different activities.

Next Generation STEM Day

Next Generations STEM Day, previously known as 8th Grade Day, is a Society of Women Engineers sponsored event, but several organizations and majors in the college take part. The event allows for middle school students to get a deeper look into science and engineering which may become a future career choice for them.

Pumpkin Drop

The Pumpkin Drop is an annual contest hosted by the Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Department. Participants of all ages (anyone under the age of 12 can join as long as their partner is an adult) are invited to design and build an enclosure or an apparatus that will protect a pumpkin when it is launched from the roof of the 11 story WVU Engineering Sciences Building. Visit the Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering website for rules and how to participate.

Track Or Treat

Trunk-or-treat is a community event open to every family where student various WVU organizations hand out candy at stations. The stations are decorated by WVU student and Greek life organizations with the hope of providing every student a chance to Trick-or-Treat in a fun and safe environment.